100,000 Chemises Poster ✓

France, c.1895

37 x 29 in (94 x 72 cm)


Vintage French poster advertising men's dress shirts, illustrated with a scene of two men discussing the luxurious shirts one of them wears, the text underneath the drawing serving as the dialogue between the two. 

"Tu as donc fait un heritage pour porter des chemises pareilles? Mon cher a 3 fr. 50 tu peux t'en payer de semblables avec les devants toile, triples et incassables. Ou donc que j'y coure??? A la Maison des 100,000 Chemises." (So you have an inheritance to wear shirts like that? My dear, at 3 francs 40 you can afford similar ones with the triple and unbreakable canvas fronts. Where, then, do I run to? To the House of 100,000 Shirts."

Printer: Van Geleyn, Paris

Year: c. 1895

Condition: Excellent

Poster is linen-backed on canvas


500-1000 advertisement catalog clothing dress shirts fashion france french french advertisement french poster hat men mirror mustache Paris size-37-x-28-5 style suit taylor

More from $500 to $1,000