Air France Mignonne Allons Voir Si La Rose Poster

France, c. 1981

24 x 39 in (61 x 99 cm)

ID #FF1C-L-12-2x

"Sweetheart let's see if the Rose...!"

This lovely mixture of a realistic blooming rose and wallpaper-like florals creates an absolutely beautiful scene. Emulating a 16th-century French poem, “Ode à Cassandre” by Pierre de Ronsard, this poster is meant to be alluring. For lovers of poetry, romance, and travel, this is the perfect poster. 

Year: c. 1981

Artist: Roger Bezombes

Printer: Mourlot

In the early 1970s, Air France commissioned Roger Bezombes to do a series of posters advertising travel with the airline. Bezombes was a multi-media French artist who was known for his vibrantly colored pieces that rivaled the works of the post-impressionists. His quasi-abstract posters are filled with an amazing array of details, from different textures to hidden images. He held an obsession with found objects, creating a new type of collage. Bezombes was talented in many fields — working not only with graphic design, but fashion and sculpting, these mediums often bled into his poster work, forming his own distinct style. 

1980 500-1000 abstract air Air France aviation collage flower FR France french medium off linen Original 1980 plants rose size-24x39 travel vintage poster

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