Albi Race Car Poster

France, 1969

23 x 15 in (58 x 38 cm)


" La Coupe Inter le de Vitesse, Les Trophees de France"

This action-packed poster featuring a speeding race car served as an advertisement for the French Motorsport Federation's Grand Prix Challenge on September 14, 1969. The poster features a pack of Challenge Craven "A" cigarettes, a brand of British cigarettes which one can assume sponsored the racing event. Decisive brushstrokes of silver, blues, and brown upon the car's wheel, illustrate the immense speed at which the race car is traveling.

Year: 1969

Printer: Thivillier - MAC.

Condition: Very good.

This poster is linen-backed on canvas. Email us at for more details.


250-500 ALBI french racing grand prix La Coupe Inter le de Vitesse Les Trophees de France race car racing size-23-x-15