Harper's Weekly 'Fairy Tales'

U.S.A., 1862

23 x 16 in (57 x 39 cm)


"Fairy Tales told by The Little Folks"

A nice double page engraving in Harper's Weekly highlighting the importance and mysticism of the traditional fairytale story. Includes eight panels.

Harper's Weekly was an American political magazine that ran from 1857 until 1916. It was known for its coverage of the American Civil War which included mixed media such as illustrations, engravings, maps, and photographs. Famous political cartoonists such as Thomas Nast, Winslow Homer, and Granville Perkins all contributed an array of work to the publication. It was the most widely read journal in the United States at its peak.

Year: 1862

Condition: Very good; please note that discoloration of page is natural due to age, but also see faint fold lines.

This poster is linen-backed on canvas. Email us at postermuseum@gmail.com for more details.

Captions under engravings read left to right:

1) This is the old humbug that detested fairy tales. 2) The old boy that loves both. 3) The horrid old thing that hated little folks.

100-250 american black and white engraving fairy tale harpers weekly horizontal magazine original poster size-22-5-x-15-5 vintage vintage poster