49 $1,000 to $2,500

NOTE: For close-up of condition, double-click the image
Link to  FANNY1932 Dubbot  Product
FANNY Product Link
1932 Dubbot
47 x 63 in (119 x 160 cm)
Link to  ChampigneullesFrance  Product
Champigneulles Product Link
58 x 90 in (147 x 229 cm)
Link to  KronenbourgFrance  Product
Kronenbourg Product Link
90 x 112 in (229 x 284 cm)
Link to  Amora MayonnaiseFrance  Product
Amora Mayonnaise Product Link
94 x 126 in (239 x 320 cm)
Link to  Rhum RocroyFrance  Product
Rhum Rocroy Product Link
94 x 126 in (239 x 320 cm)
Link to  Rapide de SiberiaFrance  Product
Rapide de Siberia Product Link
92 x 123 in (234 x 312 cm)
Link to  Fish PaIntingcirca 2000  Product
Fish PaInting Product Link
circa 2000
63 x 85 in (160 x 216 cm)
Link to  MorettiMarius  Product
Moretti Product Link
51 x 72 in (130 x 183 cm)
Link to  Les Millions De La BonneFrance  Product
Les Millions De La Bonne Product Link
59 x 86 in (150 x 218 cm)
Link to  Un PeureuxHenry le Monnier 1925  Product
Un Peureux Product Link
Henry le Monnier 1925
60 x 91 in (152 x 230 cm)
Link to  Vincent FilsFirmin Bouisset 1894  Product
Vincent Fils Product Link
Firmin Bouisset 1894
48 x 72 in (122 x 183 cm)
Link to  Le Mandarin ✓A.E. scott  Product
Le Mandarin ✓ Product Link
A.E. scott
50 x 78 in (127 x 198 cm)
Link to  Chansons et MonologuesYrondy  Product
Chansons et Monologues Product Link
54 x 75 in (137 x 191 cm)
Link to  Latte Puro PosterItaly, 1907  Product
Latte Puro Poster Product Link
Italy, 1907
38 x 52 in (97 x 132 cm)
Link to  Cies Francaises D'Assurances Le Phenix VieFrench - c. 1935  Product
Cies Francaises D'Assurances Le Phenix Vie Product Link
French - c. 1935
47 x 63 in (119 x 160 cm)
Link to  Giornata Delle due CrociItaly, c. 1930  Product
Giornata Delle due Croci Product Link
Italy, c. 1930
39 x 55 in (99 x 140 cm)
Link to  Rendita ConsolidataItaly - 1915  Product
Rendita Consolidata Product Link
Italy - 1915
32 x 56 in (81 x 141 cm)
Link to  Malo les Bains CentreFrance - c1895  Product
Malo les Bains Centre Product Link
France - c1895
37 x 51 in (94 x 130 cm)
Link to  Grande Fête de Beinfaisance PosterFrance - 1892  Product
Grande Fête de Beinfaisance Poster Product Link
France - 1892
39 x 55 in (99 x 140 cm)
Link to  La ChariteH Cosne  Product
La Charite Product Link
H Cosne
36 x 56 in (90 x 142 cm)
Link to  AmbassadeursFrance - c. 1885  Product
Ambassadeurs Product Link
France - c. 1885
32 x 52 in (81 x 132 cm)
Link to  Machines a CoudreClouet  Product
Machines a Coudre Product Link
37 x 51 in (94 x 130 cm)
Link to  Smaritaine  Product
Smaritaine Product Link
39 x 51 in (99 x 130 cm)
Link to  Exposition Internat PosterA. Willette  Product
Exposition Internat Poster Product Link
A. Willette
39 x 55 in (99 x 140 cm)
Link to  Les Ki-Kin-DasFaria  Product
Les Ki-Kin-Das Product Link
54 x 48 in (137 x 122 cm)
Link to  Pippermint GetDransy  Product
Pippermint Get Product Link
37 x 54 in (94 x 137 cm)
Link to  ScalaElmay  Product
Scala Product Link
37 x 59 in (94 x 150 cm)
Link to  Charles LéandreFrance - 1898  Product
Charles Léandre Product Link
France - 1898
32 x 54 in (81 x 137 cm)
Link to  A Bailarina PosterPortugal, c. 1900  Product
A Bailarina Poster Product Link
Portugal, c. 1900
37 x 55 in (94 x 140 cm)
Link to  Palast Theatre - Hedda VernonFrance - c. 1900  Product
Palast Theatre - Hedda Vernon Product Link
France - c. 1900
37 x 55 in (94 x 140 cm)
Link to  Levy DhurmerFrance - 1899  Product
Levy Dhurmer Product Link
France - 1899
19 x 55 in (48 x 140 cm)
Link to  Eugène Carrière Le FoundeurLe Foundeur  Product
Eugène Carrière Le Foundeur Product Link
Le Foundeur
35 x 51 in (89 x 130 cm)
Link to  Eugène Carrièreimp. Chaix  Product
Eugène Carrière Product Link
imp. Chaix
35 x 51 in (89 x 130 cm)
Link to  Brill'OrLeon Dupin  Product
Brill'Or Product Link
Leon Dupin
40 x 55 in (100 x 140 cm)
Link to  A Bon Bec PelicanAndre Roland  Product
A Bon Bec Pelican Product Link
Andre Roland
126 x 94 in (320 x 239 cm)
Link to  Brillant Bresilien  Product
Brillant Bresilien Product Link
49 x 75 in (124 x 191 cm)
Link to  Dutch Women-  Product
Dutch Women Product Link
0 x 0 in (0 x 0 cm)
Link to  Fap'AnisDeval  Product
Fap'Anis Product Link
47 x 63 in (119 x 160 cm)
Link to  Lainage A La Ouate De Tourbe Du Docteur RasurelFirmin Bouisset  Product
Lainage A La Ouate De Tourbe Du Docteur Rasurel Product Link
Firmin Bouisset
48 x 74 in (122 x 188 cm)
Link to  Launching Another Victory ShipJoseph Pennell  Product
Launching Another Victory Ship Product Link
Joseph Pennell
57 x 43 in (145 x 109 cm)
Link to  Le Grande Revue Mayol  Product
Le Grande Revue Mayol Product Link
51 x 77 in (130 x 196 cm)
Link to  Les Noces De Mignon  Product
Les Noces De Mignon Product Link
55 x 79 in (140 x 199 cm)
Link to  MistinguetteDaniel de Losques  Product
Mistinguette Product Link
Daniel de Losques
42 x 76 in (107 x 193 cm)
Link to  MoninChourfuyes. A  Product
Monin Product Link
Chourfuyes. A
51 x 78 in (130 x 198 cm)
Link to  Nids Lustucrualain gauthier  Product
Nids Lustucru Product Link
alain gauthier
90 x 62 in (229 x 157 cm)
Link to  SoarezPipein Gamba  Product
Soarez Product Link
Pipein Gamba
54 x 36 in (137 x 91 cm)
Link to  Cooperation Financiere Commerciale & IndustrielleBoyer-Mennegay  Product
Cooperation Financiere Commerciale & Industrielle Product Link
60 x 53 in (152 x 135 cm)
Link to  Veuve Amiot  Product
Veuve Amiot Product Link
120 x 94 in (305 x 239 cm)
Link to  Vichy Cusset  Product
Vichy Cusset Product Link
76 x 49 in (193 x 124 cm)