313 1910's
Follow your trade at sea or learn of while you fight in the navy JOIN THE NAVY. Product Link
USA, C. 1918
21 x 28 in (53 x 71 cm)
Don't spend all you make! Buy Victory Bonds. Buid UP your Bank Account Product Link
USA, C. 1918
22 x 32 in (56 x 81 cm)
Engagez-vous dans les Troupes de la Métropole Product Link
France, C. 1918
23 x 30 in (58 x 76 cm)
Over the top for you - Buy U.S. Gov't Bonds Third Liberty Loan Product Link
USA, C. 1919
20 x 30 in (51 x 76 cm)
"Shall we be more tender with our dollars than with the lives of our sons?" - Buy a United States Goverment Bond of the 2nd Liberty Loan of 1917 Product Link
USA, 1917
19 x 29 in (48 x 74 cm)
Mach Dein Geld zu Stahl Und Seifen! Zeichne die neunte Kriegsanleihe! Product Link
Germany, C. 1914
18 x 28 in (46 x 71 cm)
2.400 Prix sont offerts par Peugeot a su clientele cycliste Beaulieu - imprimerie des automobiles et cycles Peugeot Product Link
24 x 18 in (61 x 46 cm)
Francois-Joseph l'Imputrescible, Empereur des Vautours Product Link
24 x 28 in (61 x 71 cm)
Alcazar d'Ete Tous Le Soirs a 10 heures - Chacun sa Muse Product Link
France, C. 1915
23 x 15 in (58 x 38 cm)
Pour Hâter la Victoire Souscrivez a L'Emprunt Product Link
France, C. 1917
31 x 47 in (79 x 119 cm)
The Hun - his Mark "Blot it Out with Liberty Bonds" Product Link
USA, C. 1917
28 x 42 in (71 x 107 cm)
Venez en aide aux soldats Alsaciens-Lorraine Product Link
France, C. 1916
27 x 34 in (69 x 86 cm)
Emprunt de la Renaissance -- Souscrivez Credit Francais Product Link
France, 1919
32 x 48 in (81 x 121 cm)
Emprunt de la Liberation 1918 -- On souscrit a la Societe Marseillaise de Credit Industriel & Commercial & de Depots Product Link
France, 1918
31 x 47 in (77 x 119 cm)
La Journee des Eprouves de la Guerre -- Grande Tombola Product Link
32 x 47 in (81 x 119 cm)
Societe Marseillaise de credit -- Souscrivez a l'emprunt francais Product Link
32 x 47 in (81 x 119 cm)
Quand tu parles de la femme pense a ta mere a ta soeur, A ta fiancee et tu ne diras pas de betises Product Link
31 x 48 in (79 x 121 cm)
Compagnie des Notaires de Paris and du Departement de la Seine Product Link
32 x 44 in (81 x 112 cm)
Pour que vos enfants ne connaissent plus les horreurs de la guerre -- Souscrivez a l'Emprunt national Sociéte Generale Product Link