Crédit Lyonnais Poster

France, c. 1917

32 x 47 in (81 x 119 cm)


"Souscrivez au 4e Emprunt National"

Translation: Crédit Lyonnais, Subscribe to the 4th National Loan

This powerful vintage poster attempts to promote French war efforts through bonds. The dramatic image shows a French soldier in the nude defeating a German imperial eagle, a tug-of-war scene happening with the French flag. The detailing of this original poster is incredible, from the taunt muscles of the soldier to the shrouding of light in the background.

Printer: Devambez, Paris

Artist: Abel Faivre

Please note this is linen-backed on canvas. 

Condition: Good, borders are yellowed

foreign france french germany loan original posters poster print prints size-32x47 vintage war world war 1

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