Emergency Fleet Bulletin Poster

U.S.A, 1918

25 x 19 in (64 x 48 cm)

ID #FF16CPK2-Z-19

"17 1/2-Day Vessel Built on Pacific Coast. Ships Needed to Take Food Abroad. Barge Built in 15 Working Hours. It's Not Over Yet; Keep on Plugging. Nail the Lies. Build Lifeboats at Graton, Ill. Coast Turns Out First Million Tons. New Yard Floats Ship in Jig Time."

Original vintage bulletin updating the public on developments for naval construction efforts during World War I. This bulletin offers a world of insight into the the massive national coordination undertaken to stock the U.S. Navy for its first world war.

Published by the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation for Auxiliary Plants Manufacturing Material for Merchant Ships

Year: 1918

Condition: Poor, please note tears along the border. The appearance of tears can be improved by having the poster linen-backed.

This poster is on paper, but please note that we offer linen-backing for an additional cost. Email us at postermuseum@gmail.com to inquire.

100-250 boats naval ships navy newspaper original poster pennsylvania philadelphia ships size-25x19 vintage poster world war 1 world war i ww1 wwi

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