Le Port de Londres, Déchargement D'Arachides Africaines Poster

England 1935

20 x 15 in (50 x 37 cm)


"Les dominions et les colonies britanniques envoient chaque année des millions de tonnes de leurs produits à Londres. On voit, en haut, une cargaison d'arachides, arrivées d'Afrique Occidentale; elles sont transbordées dans les chalands d'où elles partiront vers les entrepôts et les usines. Les docks du port de Londres possèdent des installations extrêmement modernes: des centaines de grues de modèles variés y sont en service ainsi que les appareils adaptés à la manipulation des marchandises les plus diverses."

English translation: "The British dominions and colonies send millions of tons of their produce to London every year. Above is a cargo of groundnuts, which have arrived from West Africa; they are transshipped to barges from which they will leave warehouses and factories. The docks of the Port of London have extremely modern installations: hundreds of cranes of various models are in service there as well as the devices adapted to the handling of the most diverse goods."

Printed in Great Britain by Thos. Forman & Sons Ltd., Nottingham.

Condition: Good; slight creasing and wear along edges.

Please note that this poster is on paper, but can be linen backed on canvas for an additional fee. Email us at postermuseum@gmail.com to request this service.

100-250 dock french Great Britain industrial London Original posters port ships size-19-5-x-14-5 United Kingdom vintage posters

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