Xeme Slet Des Sokols Poster ✓

France, 1938

24 x 31 in (61 x 77 cm)


Xeme slet des sokols, prague tchecoslovaquie, la plus grande manifestation culturelle en 1938"

The Sokols was an idea by Miroslav Tyrš in the mid-1800s. It was a mass gymnastics group that often performed in festivals called slets. They disbanded many times before this particular slet, but after this one they were heavily persecuted by Nazis when Boheme was occupied. 

Printer: V. Neubert & Fils Prague

Condition: Good, some yellowing 

Please note that the poster is linen backed


*Updated 2022

500-1000 arm up art biggest cultural event french juin-juillet la plus grande manifestation culturelle en 1938 man standing men original posters prague tchecoslovaquie size-24x30-5 travel travel poster vintage vintage posters xemeslet

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