Plaza de Toros de Almería Poster

Spain, 1957

42 x 22 in (107 x 55 cm)


"Plaza de Toros de Almería / Empresa: Martinez Elizondo / Representante: Ulpiano Diaz / El Domingo 20 Enero de 1947, a las Cuatro en punto de la tarde / Monumental Corrida de toros patrocinada por el Excmo Ayuntamiento"

English translation: "Almería Bullring / Company: Martinez Elizondo / Representative: Ulpiano Diaz / On Sunday, January 20, 1947, at Four o'clock in the afternoon / Monumental bullfight sponsored by the City Council"

Printer: Ortega - Valencia

Condition: Fair; please note the visible restoration and discoloration along the border.

Material: Linen backed on canvas

almeria bullfight bullfighting bulls fight matador poster size-42-x-21-5 spain spanish sport valencia vintage poster

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