Vlootschouw Van Het Verleden Poster

The Netherlands, 1954

28 x 15 in (71 x 38 cm)

ID #FF16CPK2-Z-05

Title: Naval Review of the Past

"Tentoonstelling van prenten en tekeningen uit de verzameling 'Atlas van Stolk.' Maritiem Museum 'Prins Hendrik.'" (Exhibition of prints and drawings from the "Atlas van Stolk" collection. Maritime Museum "Prince Hendrik.")

Original vintage poster for an exhibition on naval history in Rotterdam's Maritime Museum. The detailed sketch of an antique ship offers a preview for some of the historical vessels on view in this grand exhibit.

Year: 1954

Condition: Good, please note discoloration on the top border

This poster is on paper, but please note that we offer linen-backing for an additional cost. Email us at postermuseum@gmail.com to inquire.

100-250 boats dutch poster exhibition holland maritime museum original poster ships size-28x15 vintage poster

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