Stad Mechelen Kerkelijke Kunst Uit Rome

Netherlands, 1963

37 x 12 in (94 x 30 cm)


"stad mechelen / tentoonstelling - kultureel centrum melaan, 10 augustus 87 oktober 63 / dagelijks - van 10 tot 13 h en van 14 tot 19 h / zondag en maandag - van 10 tot 22 h / kerkelijke kunst uit rome"

English translation: "city ​​of mechelen / exhibition - cultural centre melan, 10 august 87 october 63 / daily - from 10 am to 1 pm and from 2 pm to 7 pm / sunday and monday - from 10 am to 10 pm / ecclesiastical art from rome"

Condition: Poor; please note creasing, fold lines, and tear along bottom edge.

Material: Paper

All sizes are approximate.

100-250 art exhibition art museum cultural expo dutch poster golden poster poster size-37-x-12 vintage poster

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