Akademie Der Künste Concerts Poster

Germany, 1964

24 x 33 in (61 x 84 cm)

ID #FF27C-PK29-6-LZ

"Akademie der Künste / Berlin Hansaviertel / Kinzerte im Studio 1964/65"

Poster promoting studio concerts being held at the Akademie der Künste in Berlin, 1964-65. Poster features stylized design of music score in white against orange background, with detailed show information overlayed in black.

Printer: Albert Hentrich, Berlin

Condition: Please note creases and natural discoloration, stains.

Material: Paper

100-250 akademie der kunste art berlin classical composer concert culture europe german instrument music opera orchestra performance philharmonic poster shows sixties size-24-x-33 studio vintage poster

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