This is It Poster

U.S.A., 1967

20 x 14 in (51 x 36 cm)


"This is It / Psychedelic Happenings are Here / The New World has Hit Oakland"

This poster was created by iconic artistic duo Stanley Mouse and Alton Kelley for a show that Sparrow, Wildflower, Living Children, and Immediate Family were performing at the Regency Ballroom in Oakland, CA on February 10, 1967.

Artists: Stanley Mouse and Alton Kelley

Year: 1967

Condition: Very good.

This poster is on paper, but please note that we offer linen-backing for an additional cost. Email us at for more details.

100-250 alton kelley blues concert immediate family jazz living children music original poster psychedelic psychedelic poster regency ballroom size-20-x-14 sparrow stanley mouse vintage vintage poster wildflower