Arts Menagers c. 1960 Poster

France, c. 1960

21 x 16 in (53 x 39 cm)


"Arts Menagers / 27 Fevrier 15 Mars Palais de la Defense Paris / Lundi, Mercredi et Samedi Ouvert Jusqu'a 23H"

ommissioned by the French government, the Arts Menagers posters aimed to promote the latest advancements in home appliances, furniture, and design, with the goal of enhancing the quality of life for French citizens.

Artist: Francis Bernard

Printer: Toulouse - Paris

Condition: Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor

Material: Paper (There is a larger version of this poster, 46 x 62, available under a different listing on the website)

100-250 arts menagers education exhibition expo francis bernard palais de la defense poster science size-21-x-15-5 technology vintage poster world flags

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