Jean Colin Pour Les Petits Aveugles Poster ?

France, 1960

25 x 17 in (64 x 43 cm)

ID #FF27C-PK5-7-LZ

"JEAN COLIN / pour les petits aveugles / de la colonie de vacances de Ronno / SOIRÉE DE GALA DU / LIONS CLUB DE PARIS / "LES COUPLES CÉLÈBRES" / LE 24 AVRIL, AU CABARET DES AMBASSADEURS"

Poster designed by renowned French artist Jean Colin for an evening gala event at the Lions Club of Paris, dedicated to "the little blind children at the Ronno summer camp". Poster features a stylized portrait of a blind child against a white background with event information below.

Artist: Jean Colin

Printer:Mourlot, Paris

Condition: Good; please note rough / slightly torn edges and natural discoloration.

Material: This poster is on paper, but please note that we offer linen-backing for an additional cost. Email us at for more details.

100-250 aveugles blind children france fundraiser gala jean colin lions club de paris mourlot poster ronno size-25-x-17 soiree vintage poster

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