Goldface, Il Fantastico Superman Film Poster

Italy, 1967

55 x 39 in (140 x 99 cm)


"Goldface / Il Fantastico Superman"

English Title: Goldface, the Fantastic Superman (1967)

Directed by Bitto Albertini

Starring Espartaco Santoni, Evi Marandi, Leontine May, Attilio Severini, Micaela Pignatelli, Hugo Pimentel

Genre: Action/Crime

Country of Origin: Italy, Spain

Year: 1967

Condition: Poster has fold lines, slight discoloration, and two moderately-sized rips out of the top corners.

This poster is on paper, but please note that we offer linen-backing for an additional cost. Email us at for more details.

250-500 action adventure big matthews cinema evy marandi italian film poster micaela pignatelli movie original poster size-55-x-39 stanley mitchell superhero superman ugo pimentel vintage vintage poster