Jorio Vivarelli Poster

Italy, 1974

39 x 27 in (99 x 69 cm)


"L'Uomo e la Sua Terra / itinerario antologico dell'opera di JORIO VIVARELLI / pescia valchiusa / giardini della xii biennale del fiore / 1. agosto 15. ottobre 1974"

English translation: "Man and His Land / anthological itinerary of the works of JORIO VIVARELLI / Pescia Valchiusa / gardens of the 12th flower biennial / 1st August 15th October 1974"

Condition: Poor; please note damage along edges along with small piece missing from top left-hand corner and fold lines.

Material: Paper

All sizes are approximate.

anthology archeology italian art italian poster pescia poster sculpture size-39-x-27 valchiusa vintage poster