Re-Elect Carter and Mondale Poster

USA c. 1980

19 x 12 in (48 x 30 cm)

ID #FF19D-PK16A-6-LZ

"Re-Elect / Carter Mondale / A Tested and Trustworthy Team."


A re-election poster of James E. Carter and Walter Mondale for President and Vice President of the United States, respectively. Carter ultimately lost the United States presidential election of 1980 to Republican primary nominee Ronald Reagan. Poster shows angled headshot of Carter with Mondale behind him, with the slogan 'A Tested and Trustworthy Team.' beneath them.

Condition: Crease in bottom right, some staining and discolortion, particularly in the bottom left and top third of the poster. Various tears present.

Material: Cardboard

100-250 carter eighties election mondale politics poster president size-19-x-12 vice president vintage poster

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