Die Mausefalle Poster

Germany, 1982

33 x 23 in (84 x 58 cm)


"Die Mausefalle / Ein Stück von Agatha Christie / Inszenierung: Harald Nikelsky / Bühnenbild: Boris Kubik / Kostüme: Beate Killmayer / Premiere: Samstage, / 27. März 1982, 19.45 Uhr / Staddtheater Hildesheim"

Poster for a production of Agatha Christie's play "The Mousetrap" being held at Stadttheater Hildesheim, Germany, in 1982. Poster features play information and cast against a background photo of a white box with feathers inside.

Condition: Good; note crease in bottom left corner.

Material: Paper

100-250 agatha christie culture eighties germany mousetrap performance play poster size-33-x-23 stage theater vintage poster

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