1962 Holiday Cruises Travel Poster ✓

Britain, 1962

40 x 25 in (102 x 64 cm)


"1962 Holiday Cruises by t.s.s. Duke of Lancaster. Continental Cruises: Norway, Denmark & Holland. Scottish Lochs Cruises: Scotland's Lovely West Coast. Book now!"

This adorable poster shows a shining cruise ship bursting through deep-blue waves, the sky-blue top half complementing it well. This vintage poster couldn't be cuter! 

Artist: Studio Seven

Printer: Waterlow and Sons LTD, London 

Year: 1962

Condition: Good.  Size 40.25 x 25

Please note this is linen-backed on canvas. 



*updated 2022

1962 25x40.25 boat continental cruise cruise cruise ship GBLB706 Great Britain Holiday Cruise medium ocean sea ship size-40-25-x-25 tourism travel vacation

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