Cie Navigation Mixte Travel Poster ✓

France, 1967

24 x 39 in (62 x 100 cm)


"Cie de Navigation Mixte, Algerie, Tunisie, Iles Baleares... Par Marseille et Port-Vendres"

Mixed Navigation Company, Algeria, Tunisia, Balearic Islands... Via Marseille and Port-Vendres.

This adorable little girl and her furry companion are world travellers! 

Artist: Ektachrome J.Saugeron

Printer: Bolar Bare-Le Duc Paris 

Condition: Excellent

Please note this is linen-backed on canvas. 



*updated 2022

24.25 x 39.25 in / cm Africa children Cie. Navigation Mixte dog FR France french girl medium Original ships size-24-25x39-25 suitcase travel Tunisia vintage poster

More from $250 to $500