Josef Liesler at Obrazy Grafika

Slovakia, 1978

29 x 20 in (74 x 51 cm)


"Obrazy Grafika / Liesler 78 / Galéria Hlavného Mesta Ssr Bratislavy Galerie Hlavniho Města Prahy / Výstava Obrazov a Grafiky Zaslúžilého Umelca Josefa Lieslera Z Posledných Rokov / Oktober-November 1978 / Mirbachov Palác Dibrovovo Námestie 11. Bratislava, Otvoreno Denně Od 10-17 Hodin / Okrem Pondělka"

English translation: "Paintings Graphics / Liesler 78 / Gallery of the Capital of the SSR Bratislava Gallery of the Capital City of Prague / Exhibition of Paintings and Graphics of the Distinguished Artist Josef Liesler From the Last Years / October-November 1978 / Mirbach Palace Dibrovo Square 11. Bratislava, Open Daily From 10am-5pm / Except Monday"

Artist: Josef Liesler

Condition: Excellent; please note light creasing on corners.

Material: Paper

All sizes are approximate.

100-250 art exhibition art expo poster size-29-x-20 slovakia slovakian poster vintage poster

More from $250 to $500