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Consignes sanitáries del miliciá. Vacuna't contra la verola i la febre tifoide. / Miliciá! Escolta les consignes sanitáries del consell de sanitat de guerra i segueix-les Product Link
Catalonia, 1968
17 x 25 in (43 x 64 cm)

Newsmap Industrial Edition "Soviets Enter Berlin" Product Link
USA, C. 1945
35 x 47 in (89 x 119 cm)

Newsmap Industrial Edition "Pacific Battleground" Product Link
USA, C. 1945
35 x 47 in (89 x 119 cm)

Newsmap Industrial Edition "8 Years of War in China" Product Link
USA, C. 1945
35 x 47 in (89 x 119 cm)

Quatrième Représentation de Les Exploits D'un Titi Parisien Product Link
18 x 45 in (46 x 114 cm)

Description of the Panama Canal and Progress of the Work Product Link
USA, c. 1914
25 x 19 in (64 x 48 cm)

Ja für eine preisgünstigere Energieversorgung Product Link
Switzerland, 1980s