110 All Posters

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Link to  La Guerra é Finita Film PosterItaly, 1967  Product
La Guerra é Finita Film Poster Product Link
Italy, 1967
55 x 39 in (140 x 99 cm)
Link to  Communistes Avec le Polisario PosterFrance, c. 1970  Product
Communistes Avec le Polisario Poster Product Link
France, c. 1970
40 x 31 in (102 x 79 cm)
Link to  USSR Sport Propoganda PosterUSSR, c. 1970  Product
USSR Sport Propoganda Poster Product Link
USSR, c. 1970
25 x 36 in (64 x 91 cm)
Link to  Rocznica urodzin wlodzimierza iljicza leninaPloza Dolinski 1989  Product
Rocznica urodzin wlodzimierza iljicza lenina Product Link
Ploza Dolinski 1989
26 x 39 in (66 x 99 cm)
Link to  Stalin's Funeral1990  Product
Stalin's Funeral Product Link
26 x 39 in (66 x 99 cm)
Link to  Tout Va Bien! CamaradeFrench  Product
Tout Va Bien! Camarade Product Link
19 x 24 in (48 x 61 cm)
Link to  German Communist PropagandaGermany - c. 1930  Product
German Communist Propaganda Product Link
Germany - c. 1930
50 x 36 in (127 x 91 cm)
Link to  Workers of the Cultural RevolutionChina - c. 1966  Product
Workers of the Cultural Revolution Product Link
China - c. 1966
20 x 31 in (51 x 79 cm)
Link to  Nianhua of Toddler and CraftsChina  Product
Nianhua of Toddler and Crafts Product Link
21 x 30 in (52 x 76 cm)
Link to  Dr. Rudolf Schruarz-hillerAustria - c. 1920  Product
Dr. Rudolf Schruarz-hiller Product Link
Austria - c. 1920
37 x 50 in (94 x 126 cm)