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Exposition Du Centenaire De La Lithographie Product Link
France, 1895
59 x 44 in (150 x 112 cm)

Exposition Du 3 Centenaire De La Mort De Moliere Product Link
France, 1974
24 x 16 in (61 x 41 cm)

Exposition Internationale des Sciences et des Arts Product Link
France, 1890
72 x 51 in (183 x 130 cm)

Internationale Expositie Van Het Goede Affiche Product Link
Netherlands, 1954
40 x 28 in (102 x 71 cm)

Exposición Internacional de Madrid Grasset Product Link
France, 1893
59 x 43 in (150 x 109 cm)

Experimental Television Center, Everson Museum of Art Product Link
USA, 1972
22 x 17 in (56 x 43 cm)

Moravská Galerie V Brně Biennale of Graphic Design Product Link
Czech Republic, 1976
47 x 32 in (119 x 81 cm)

38e Foire Nationale Comptoir Suisse Lausanne Product Link
Switzerland, 1957
50 x 36 in (127 x 91 cm)

Macro Plastic Internationale Kunststoffenbeurs Product Link
Netherlands, 1957