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Illustration of the Battle of Japan and Russia Product Link
Japan/Russia, C. 1905
18 x 24 in (46 x 61 cm)

Ne Touchez pas a la Chine - Le Droit des Peuples a disposer d;eux - memes Product Link
France, 1925
20 x 30 in (51 x 76 cm)

Young America Exhibition artist Frederic Henri Kay Henrion Product Link
USA, C. 1945
30 x 19 in (76 x 48 cm)

Ford Madox Ford's The Good Soldier, Artist - Chermayeff & Geismar Product Link
USA, C. 1975
30 x 46 in (76 x 117 cm)

LMC Pour L'Empire Par La Mer, Avec La Jeunesse Product Link
France, C. 1945
15 x 22 in (38 x 56 cm)

Le Petit Journal, avec cette prime, ne doit etre vendu que 5 centimes Product Link
France, C. 1914
18 x 24 in (46 x 61 cm)

Prime Gratuite du "Petit Parisien" Avant L'Attaque Product Link
France, C. 1914
19 x 24 in (48 x 61 cm)

Prime Gratuite du Petit journal "Glorieuse Etape" Product Link
France, C. 1914
18 x 24 in (46 x 61 cm)

Chateau Thierry, the turning point of the World War Product Link
USA, 1919
12 x 16 in (30 x 41 cm)

Gioventu Fascista Magazine - December 1931, Vol. 38 ✓ Product Link
Italy, C. 1936
10 x 13 in (25 x 33 cm)

Fête De Noël Société Française De Bienfaisance Product Link
France, C. 1895
24 x 33 in (61 x 84 cm)

Bitte nicht ärgern. Es geschieht für Wien - für Sie! ✓ Product Link
Austria, C. 1950s
14 x 15 in (36 x 38 cm)

Radio Télévision Philco American TV Made în France Product Link
France, C. 1965
30 x 44 in (76 x 112 cm)

Megielent Kulugy Hadugy 1918 Evi Katonai Zsebnaptara Product Link
Hungary, C. 1918