36 All Posters

Copernicus 500th Anniversary Commemorative Stamp Product Link
United States, 1973
40 x 30 in (102 x 76 cm)

The Pamphleteers Communicating the Spirit of '76 Product Link
United States, 1976
46 x 30 in (117 x 76 cm)

President Wilson to the People of the United States. Product Link
USA, C. 1917
22 x 32 in (56 x 81 cm)

Private Schulk, Artist - Chermayeff & Geismar Product Link
USA, C. 1975
30 x 46 in (76 x 117 cm)

Journee du Puy de Dome -- Paquetage du soldat 23 Janvier 1916 Product Link
31 x 45 in (77 x 113 cm)

Le Monastère exposition rétrospective des Beaux-Arts Peintres et Sculpteurs Contemporains Barbison Product Link
C. 1895