Small Solafrutta Lazzaroni Saronno Poster

Italy, 1933

23 x 16 in (58 x 41 cm)


"Solafrutta Lazzaroni Saronno Marca Depositata / Una Novità per Piccoli e per Grandi. Un Prodotto di Tutta Frutta Italiana. Un Wafer con Vera Marmellata. Una Specialità della Casa. / Lazzaroni Saronno"

English translation: "Solafrutta Lazzaroni Saronno Registered Brand / A novelty for children and adults. A product of all Italian fruit. A Wafer with Real Jam. A House Speciality. / Lazzaroni Saronno"

Please note that there are two versions of this design available. This poster is the smaller printing of the two.

Printer: F. III Bonetti Milane

Condition: Excellent

Material: Linen backed on canvas

100-250 ad apple biscuits food italia italian italian advertisement lazzaroni poster product size-23-x-16 vintage poster

More from $100 to $250