Chemins de Fer de l'Ouest Poster ✓
France, 190129 x 41 in (74 x 104 cm)
Vintage French travel poster for Western Railways and their new discounted trip deals. The woman on the posters stands on the seashore, shielding her eyes as she looks into the distance at all the future travels to be had.
"Voyages a prix reduits. La Compagnie des Chemins de fer de l'Ouest met a la disposition du Public, pendant la saison d'ete, les billets et cartes a prix reduits dont la nomenclature suit: 1. Billets dits de bains de mer 2. Billets dits de voyages circulaires 3. Billets d'excursion au Mont Saint-Michel 4. Billets d'excursion au Havre 5. Billets d'excursion a l'Ile de Jersey 6. Cartes d'excursion sur la Cote Nord de Bretagne." (Reduced-price trips. The Western Railways Company is giving to the public for its disposal, during the summer season, tickets and cards at reduced prices, names to follow: 1. Tickets to sea baths 2. Round trip tickets 3. Tickets to Mont Saint-Michel 4. Tickets to Havre 5. Tickets to Jersey Island 6. Tickets for the northern coast of Brittany.)
Artist: Jules Alexandre Grün
Printer: Chaix, Paris
Year: 1901
Condition: Very good
Poster is linen-backed on canvas