CYRK Balancing Tiger ✓

Hubert Hilscher

27 x 39 in (69 x 98 cm)


Hilscher, Hubert1966

1962 marks the appearance of the CRYK poster or this style of circus poster in Poland, it was for generic circus use much as  governments  around the world use  art on stamps  and not just numbers for the amount .These posters were done by the Polish state office of the ZPR (Zjednoczone Przedsiębiorstwa Rozrywkowe, or United Entertainment Entreprises)and continued into the 1980's.

250-500 27 x 38.5 in. / 68.5 x 98 cm alice animals balancing tiger circus circus entertainment animals CYRK entertainment Hubert Hilscher medium off linen Original PL Poland Polish size-27x38-5 vintage CYRK poster vintage poster

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