Engrais d'Auby #3

France, c. 1920

32 x 24 in (81 x 61 cm)

ID #FF13C-PK4-3x-S

"Engrais d'Auby / 3 usines / Auby (Nord) / Feuchy (P.de C.) / Artres (Nord) / Nitro-Salpétrine / Nitro-Végétal"

English translation: "Auby Fertilizers / 3 factories / Auby (North) / Feuchy (P.de C.) / Artres (North) / Nitro-Salpétrine / Nitro-Végétal"

Artist: E. Paracini

Printer: Crépin et Lunven - Douai

Condition: Good; please note light paper creaisng and visible fold lines.

Material: Paper

All sizes are approximate.

250-500 30x20 ad advertisement agriculture farming fertilizer food french poster medium size poster size-32-x-24 vintage poster wheat

More from $250 to $500