La Tourbe Medicale Poster

France, c. 1900

39 x 55 in (99 x 140 cm)

ID #LB39x55-Z-155

Tissus epidermine a base de tourbe medicale. Linge de corps, vetements de sports. En vente au bon marche.

Translation: Medical peat. Epidermine tissue based on medical peat. Underwear, sports clothing. For sale at a good price.

It was in the 1890s that the poster started being more widely recognized as form of artistic expression. The poster became an integral part of the cityscape during the Belle Epoque, turn of the century period in Europe—its colorful, larger than life images both indispensible to advertising and a venerated art form in itself.

Artist: M. Deville

Printer: Affiches Camis, Paris

Year: c. 1900

Condition: Good, please note some restoratin done on the borders of the poster

Linen-backed on canvas

army french medical nurse original size-39x55 soldier toc turn of the century vintage poster

More from $500 to $1,000