L'Augellin Bel Verde Poster ✓

Italy, 1907

39 x 84 in (99 x 213 cm)


Vintage poster for the play L'Augellin Bel Verde (The Beautiful Green Augellin). This luxuriously designed poster is the original artwork for the play, created using elements of collage and mixed media. A rare find among posters!

"Compagnia opere comiche e operette. Augosto Angelini. Fiabia in 4 atti e 14 quadri." (Comic opera and operetta company. Fairy tale in 5 acts and 14 pictures.)

Artist: P. Fomba

Printed in Genova

Year: 1907

This poster is linen-backed on canva

belle epoque opera operetta over-5000 performance play size-39x84 theater theatre turn of the century XL

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