The Alto Relievo in front of the Shakespeare Gallery


22 x 16 in (56 x 41 cm)

ID #FF30E-PK7-70-S

Engraving of the Alto Relievo in front of the Shakespeare Gallery.

Painted by: Benjamin Smith

Published by: John and Josiah Boydell, Shakespeare Gallery, Pall Mall & No. 90, Cheapside, London

Published date: June 1796

Condition: Small rip out of bottom left corner. Note that the print had protective paper attached but was removed.

This poster is on paper, but please note that we offer linen-backing for an additional cost. Email us at for more details.

18th century 500-1000 alto relievo boydell english theater engraved engraving john boydell painting shakespeare shakespeare play size-22-x-16

More from $500 to $1,000