La Politique des Cartellistes et Socialistes

France, 1927

35 x 27 in (89 x 69 cm)


"La Politique des Cartellistes et Socialistes / a consisté à se partager avec un cynisme révoltant tous les fromages de la République / Contribuables soyez impritoyables pour ces budjétivores soi-disant amis du peuple, qu'its ont exploite jugez les au cri de: Vive la République!"

English translation: "The Policy of the Cartellists and Socialists / consisted of sharing with revolting cynicism all the cheeses of the Republic / Taxpayers be merciless towards these budget-eating so-called friends of the people, whom they have exploited, judge them with the cry of: Long live the Republic!"

Artist: Jean Sennep

Printer: Service de propagande

Condition: Excellent

Material: Linen backed on acid-free canvas

All sizes are approximate.

500-1000 cheese french poster horizontal poster political politics poster rats size-35-x-27 socialism socialist vintage poster

More from $500 to $1,000