Real Circulo Artistico Poster ✓
Spain, 195727 x 39 in (69 x 98 cm)
Vintage poster celebrating the 75th anniversary of Real Circulo Artistico, an institution dedicated to supporting the arts in Barcelona. Illustrated on the poster is a dancing couple, their bodies noticeably absent from their clothing.
"Real Circulo Artistico - 75 aniversario. Baile de Trajes del 1850 al 1900 en el Salon dela Antigua Lonja. Barcelona 2 Junio 1957." (Real Artistic Circle. Costume dance from 1850 to 1900 in the Old Market Salon. Barcelona June 2, 1957.)
Printer: Seix y Barral, Barcelona
Year: 1957
Condition: Excellent
Poster is linen-backed on canvas