Kunstszene Zürich Juriert

Switzerland, 1984

50 x 36 in (127 x 91 cm)

ID #ST-48-S

"Kunstszene Zürich Juriert / 2 Dezember 1984 - 2 Januar 1985 / Öffnungszeiten über die Feiertage siehe Tagespresse"

English translation: "Zurich Art Scene Juried / 2 December 1984 - 2 January 1985 / Opening hours over the holidays see daily press"

Poster with a graffiti design to promote an exhibition of Zurich based artwork and artists.

Condition: Excellent

Material: Paper

All sizes are approximate.

100-250 250-500 art gallery exhibition expo poster size-50-x-36 swiss poster vintage poster

More from $100 to $250