18 x 27 in (46 x 69 cm)
ID #PFPC188-013
Artist - Wrzesien
Polish exhibition poster
250-500 abstract artystow artystycznych biuro black and red poster centralne dark poster original posters painting exhibition philip williams posters polish posters plastykow poland polish polish art polish art poster polish paintings polish posters polskich postermuseum polishposters red and black poster size-18x27 vintage posters wystaw zwiazek
Les Acteurs À L'Écran
France, 1998
Espace Pierre Cardin M. Miyata
France, 1990
Quatre Expressions Graphiques
Switzerland, 1985
Ferdinand Hodler
Switzerland, 1984
La Suisse A L'Epoque Romaine
Switzerland, 1957
PKZ Department Store #2
Switzerland, c. 1950s