49 All Posters

Haut Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés Product Link
Switzerland, c. 1989
28 x 20 in (71 x 51 cm)

Koopt Nederlandsche Waar dan Helpen Wij Elkaar! Product Link
Netherlands, c. 1939
28 x 20 in (71 x 51 cm)

24 maart Verkiezingen van Provinciale Staten Product Link
Netherlands, c. 1970s
28 x 20 in (71 x 51 cm)

Amerikanische und Englische Graphik der Gegenwart Poster Product Link
The Netherlands, 1973
28 x 20 in (71 x 51 cm)

Hopkins' Trans-Oceanic Star Specialty Company Poster Product Link
U.S.A, c. 1900
28 x 20 in (71 x 51 cm)

Teatro Nuevo Compania Titular de Revistas del Teatro Olimpia - Combinado de Melodias Product Link
Spain, C. 1930
28 x 20 in (71 x 51 cm)

Kunst und Museumsverein Wuppertal W-Barmen Geschw. Scholl-Platz Product Link
Germany, C. 1960
28 x 20 in (71 x 51 cm)

Marianne du Bicentenaire de la Révolution Française Product Link
France, C. 1960
28 x 20 in (71 x 51 cm)

Meesterwerken uit amerika universiteits musea - Utrecht Centraal Museum Product Link
Holland, C. 1960
28 x 20 in (71 x 51 cm)

Stratification of the Peasantry after the Reform of 1861 Product Link
Russia, 1861
28 x 20 in (71 x 51 cm)

Ask not what your country will do for you ask what you can do for your country Product Link
28 x 20 in (71 x 51 cm)

Poerim - joodse feestdagen in het joods historisch museum Product Link
Holland, C. 1965