48 All Posters

Virgil and Julie in their original stage production "One Fantastic Night" Product Link
USA, C. 1970
30 x 40 in (76 x 102 cm)

W. & A.K. Johnston's Charts of Anatomy & Physiology "Veins and Lungs" Product Link
USA, C. 1900
30 x 40 in (76 x 102 cm)

W. & A.K. Johnston's Charts of Anatomy & Physiology "Nervous System" Product Link
USA, C. 1900
30 x 40 in (76 x 102 cm)

W. & A.K. Johnston's Charts of Anatomy & Physiology "Veins and Lungs" Product Link
USA, C. 1900
30 x 40 in (76 x 102 cm)

W. & A.K. Johnston's Charts of Anatomy & Physiology "Bones" Product Link
USA, C. 1900
30 x 40 in (76 x 102 cm)

W. & A.K. Johnston's Charts of Anatomy & Physiology "Muscles" Product Link
USA, C. 1900
30 x 40 in (76 x 102 cm)

W. & A.K. Johnston's Charts of Anatomy & Physiology "Muscles" Product Link
USA, C. 1900
30 x 40 in (76 x 102 cm)

W. & A.K. Johnston's Charts of Anatomy & Physiology "Heart and Arteries" Product Link
USA, C. 1900
30 x 40 in (76 x 102 cm)

Baird's Mammoth Minstrels "The Mammoth Refinen Song and Dance" Product Link
France, C. 1875
30 x 40 in (76 x 102 cm)

Equestrian Portraits Of Our Leading Generals Product Link
U.S.A, C. 1862
30 x 40 in (76 x 102 cm)

The Colored Politician, The Colored Statesman, The Politician and the Mayor Product Link
USA, C. 1910
30 x 40 in (76 x 102 cm)

Sailors' & Soldiers' Tobacco Fund Product Link
Great Britain - c. 1914
30 x 40 in (76 x 102 cm)

Buy United States Government war Saving Stamps Product Link
France - c. 1917