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Link to  Sano Optimismo y Fortaleza de Roble "Fosforo Ferrero" Reconstituye Y AlimentaItaly, C. 1955  Product
Sano Optimismo y Fortaleza de Roble "Fosforo Ferrero" Reconstituye Y Alimenta Product Link
Italy, C. 1955
25 x 39 in (64 x 99 cm)
Link to  Vêtements Kemo - Bonne ChasseFrance, C. 1950  Product
Vêtements Kemo - Bonne Chasse Product Link
France, C. 1950
31 x 46 in (79 x 117 cm)
Link to  Heureux "Comme un Poisson dans l'eau" Loterie NationaleFrance, C. 1965  Product
Heureux "Comme un Poisson dans l'eau" Loterie Nationale Product Link
France, C. 1965
15 x 24 in (38 x 61 cm)
Link to  Schweizer Mustermesse Basel 1938Switzerland, 1938  Product
Schweizer Mustermesse Basel 1938 Product Link
Switzerland, 1938
36 x 50 in (91 x 127 cm)
Link to  For European ProsperityNetherlands, C. 1950  Product
For European Prosperity Product Link
Netherlands, C. 1950
28 x 20 in (71 x 51 cm)