66 All Posters

Arbeiders Sluit U AAN by De S.D.A.P. Product Link
Netherlands, c. 1930s
21 x 15 in (53 x 38 cm)

Société Francaise Siege Social Paris 70 Bd Sebastopol - H.Vigneron Product Link
France, C. 1900
32 x 24 in (81 x 61 cm)

Honor Shock-Workers, Heroes of Labor! ✓ Product Link
Czechoslovakia, C. 1915
25 x 20 in (64 x 51 cm)

Et Lui? Aidez - nous a lui trouver du travail quand il reviendra Product Link
France, C. 1940
21 x 33 in (53 x 84 cm)

Ministère des affaires sociales, Comite national de defense contre la tuberculose Product Link
12 x 16 in (30 x 41 cm)

Uzem kozben ne nyúlj bele! Baleset Ellen Vedekezz! ✓ Product Link
Hungary, 1934
25 x 19 in (64 x 48 cm)

...egy munkahely ures... Baleset Ellen Vedekezz! Product Link
Hungary, 1937
25 x 19 in (64 x 48 cm)

Buy Now for the Bigger 7th War Loan Through Payroll Savings. Product Link
USA, 1944
10 x 14 in (25 x 36 cm)

Arbeidsbemiddeling voor de Binnenscheepvaart Product Link
Denmark, 1927