14 All Posters

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Link to  Der Schweizer Film im Spiegel seiner PlakateSwitzerland, 1989  Product
Der Schweizer Film im Spiegel seiner Plakate Product Link
Switzerland, 1989
50 x 36 in (127 x 91 cm)
Link to  Gebr. FretzSwitzerland, 1912  Product
Gebr. Fretz Product Link
Switzerland, 1912
49 x 35 in (124 x 89 cm)
Link to  Niklaus StoecklinSwiss, 1986  Product
Niklaus Stoecklin Product Link
Swiss, 1986
49 x 36 in (124 x 91 cm)
Link to  kunstgewerbemuseumSwitzerland, 1953  Product
kunstgewerbemuseum Product Link
Switzerland, 1953
50 x 36 in (127 x 91 cm)
Link to  kulturelle plakate der schweizSwitzerland, 1974  Product
kulturelle plakate der schweiz Product Link
Switzerland, 1974
50 x 35 in (127 x 89 cm)
Link to  Botanische Illustration in Zürich PosterSwitzerland, 1976  Product
Botanische Illustration in Zürich Poster Product Link
Switzerland, 1976
17 x 12 in (43 x 30 cm)
Link to  Festival de Juin Zurich PosterSwitzerland, 1951  Product
Festival de Juin Zurich Poster Product Link
Switzerland, 1951
25 x 40 in (64 x 102 cm)
Link to  Kunstgewerbemuseum Zurich PosterSwitzerland, 1976  Product
Kunstgewerbemuseum Zurich Poster Product Link
Switzerland, 1976
51 x 36 in (130 x 91 cm)
Link to  Der Schwarze Hecht PosterSwitzerland, 1939  Product
Der Schwarze Hecht Poster Product Link
Switzerland, 1939
51 x 36 in (130 x 91 cm)
Link to  Weltausstellung der Fotografie PosterSwitzerland, 1973  Product
Weltausstellung der Fotografie Poster Product Link
Switzerland, 1973
36 x 50 in (91 x 127 cm)
Link to  Zurich Culture Poster ✓Switzerland, c. 1968  Product
Zurich Culture Poster ✓ Product Link
Switzerland, c. 1968
25 x 40 in (64 x 102 cm)
Link to  Opernhaus Zürich ManonSwitzerland, 1967  Product
Opernhaus Zürich Manon Product Link
Switzerland, 1967
36 x 50 in (91 x 127 cm)
Link to  Woman OutdoorsSwitzerland  Product
Woman Outdoors Product Link
36 x 51 in (91 x 130 cm)
Link to  Schweizerische Heim ArbeitB. Mancold  Product
Schweizerische Heim Arbeit Product Link
B. Mancold
29 x 40 in (74 x 102 cm)