La Faune Sauvage du Bassin d'Arcachon #2

France, c. 2010s

69 x 47 in (175 x 119 cm)

ID #BBF10-#11-S

"La faune sauvage du Bassin d'Arcachon / Bassin d'Arcachon / Un monde à part"

English translation: "The wildlife of the Arcachon Basin / Arcachon Basin / A world apart"

Arcachon Basin exists in Southwest France. This poster promotes visiting the Bay by showcasing the various birds to be found, along with a paraglider.

Condition: Excellent

Material: Paper

All sizes are approximate.

100-250 bernache cravant birds contemporary poster courlis cendre french poster grand gravelot poster size-69-x-47 sterne caugek

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