Anna Blaman Exhibition Poster

Netherlands, 1965

20 x 10 in (51 x 25 cm)


"anna blaman / herdekingstentoonstelling / expositiezaal lijnbaan / korte lijnbaan 18c, 2 t/m 24 okt. '65 / dagelijks 10-5 uur, zondag 12-5 uur"

English translation: "anna blaman / commemorative exhibition / exhibition hall line track / short line track 18c, 2 to 24 Oct. '65 / daily 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sunday 12 p.m. to 5 p.m"

A purple and black exhibition poster for Dutch writer and poet Anna Blaman

Printer: Wim de Valk GKI - Antwerp

Condition: Excellent

Material: Paper

All sizes are approximate.

antwerp art exhibition dutch poster dutch writer exhibition female writer poster size-20-x-10 vintage poster