Baicoli Biscotti Veneziani

Italy, 1949

40 x 28 in (102 x 71 cm)

ID #FF13C-PK2-4x-S

"Baicoli i famosi Biscotti Veneziani / A. Colussi-Venezia / No gb'e'a sto mondo no più bel biscoto, più fin dolce, più liziero e san per mogiar nela cicara o nel goto, del Baicolo nostro Venezian"

English translation: "Baicoli the famous Venetian Biscuits / A. Colussi-Venice / There is no more beautiful biscuit in this world, more delicately sweet, more lively and healthy to soak in cicara or in goto, than our Venetian Baicolo"

Printer: Arti Graf. Bonetti - Milano

Condition: Good; please note horizontal fold line and small tears along edges.

Material: Paper

All sizes are approximate.

250-500 ad advertisement cookie dessert food italian poster poster size-40-x-28 venice vintage poster

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