Els Obrers I L'Esquerra Poster
Spain, 193340 x 28 in (102 x 71 cm)
This poster condemns the unemployment rates of Barcelona's working class under the current regime and to vote for the Catalan League.
English translation: The increase in municipal staff (To a large extent unnecessary and appointed against the regulations) / For EVERY HOUR of offices the city pays an increase of 4,000 Pesetas for salaries of staff brought in by the Left. / For each day the city pays an increase of 20,000 Pesetas / And for each year (working days) the city pays / 5,722,790 Pesetas for increased staff / Citizens!! / WORKERS AND THE LEFT / With two years of administration from the Left in Barcelona City Council, the number of WORKERS WITHOUT JOB. in our city alone, it has gone from 9,324 to 12,074 / The labor crisis must be stopped Vote Lliga Catalan
Condition: Fair
Material: Paper