ODOL Calla Lily Poster

Italy, 1941

8 x 6 in (20 x 15 cm)


"Bocca ODOLizzata trova ventura"


It is hard to believe that a poster this enchanting is simply an advertisement for toothpaste. Illustrated by artist Bankisfigus, a tube of toothpaste appears before a stem of calla lilies and a woman's face In all cool blue tones, this poster captures the minty-freshness ODOL provides to its customers.

Artist: Bankisfigus

Condition: Very good.

Year: 1941

This poster is linen-backed. Email us at postermuseum@gmail.com for more details

blue blues calla lilies cool tones flower irises ODOL ODOL toothpaste size-8-x-6 toothpaste woman with flower

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